Intima Night + Video
All pictures in this post belong to Crystal, the sexy lady in red!
So it was my college's student council awards night or you can call it an "almost-prom" night. Trust me, I'm as surprised as you guys are that I'm actually attending a college event.
Clarice, Elaine and Aya on the front. Aya was seriously the star of the night, everyone was stunned when she sung. Amazing voice.
I didn't even wear a black tie formal dress like everyone else T___T
Navina and half of May Yee's face.
and then there's the adorable Shene!
Every picture looks better Instagrammed.
On that night, they played this video. Done by my coursemates or what they call themselves, The Salad Show. I'm featured in it! First time acting so be more forgiving okay :)
Hope, Joy and AreYouTryingToLoseWeight. Which make up the full cast minus of course, Lessly aka Kai Jin.
Hi Shin Yee, I met u at the Hada Labo event last time, nice skin you have! :D