Momo's 22nd

[If you like pictures, proceed. If you like words, stop now and find something else to read. You've been warned.]

Guess whose birthday was it?

Happy Birthday to Wai Chun aka Momo! (Actual day is 4th April so you can go wish him now)

Bringing the house down @ Vertigo

Mother and son love. Awww~

With Yee Von

Lady in red, Fenn Peng!

and of course Ernie!

Champagne showers!

Just some madness (Especially Kenny)

And here's a truckload of pictures of birthday boy and the bros(and babes). This is going to be some serious scrolling business, warm up your fingers!:

┗(`ー´)┓ ┏(`ー´)┛┗(`ー´)┓ ┏(`ー´)┛

Phew you made it! You can thank me for slimming your fingers now. Okay so sorry for treating my blog like a Facebook album T___T

Wordy update soon. Unless you don't want it too T___T (WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!)

Hurhur. Bye.

ヘ( ̄ー ̄ヘ) ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) (ノ ̄ω ̄)ノ


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